Monday 9 January 2012

Supporters who know better than the manager.

So after much deliberation I’ve arrived at the decision that my opinions on football related matters need to be vented regularly and to the appreciation of my twitter followers, should be done via blog, so here we are!  Of course like any football fan I have a club close to my heart that will get the brunt of my attention; this being the world widely known Arsenal FC, unlike most football fans the matters of rival clubs are deep in my interests as well. Today I’d like to address the rumour mill that engulfs the internet at the start and middle of every season. Of course transfers and rumours come hand in hand, what gets at me is the rather short sighted views the fans voice as the mill starts turning, that leave me wondering whether they’ve ever been quoted a rather infamous Specsavers advert.   Does every club and they’re manager come under such scrutinisation as Arsenal and Arsene Wenger from they’re “fans” this season?  It seems to be a widely known fact that every fan has a better method and managerial prowess than the respective clubs manager, with comments appearing that state “he should leave our club now” and “Arsene doesn’t know what he’s doing”, I shouldn’t need to bring to light what that man has done for our club, especially when talking to a compatriot. Admittedly we haven’t had the greatest start to the season and there are numerous problems that have come to light in recent weeks, believe me the manager is just as aware of them as the media is, surely no one knows the team better than the man who built it? Arsenes procrastination when it comes to these windows is not fool hardy; I’d say it’s more of a tactic than definitively procrastination. Why would you want to rush when the decision you come to is so integral to success? There’s an obvious answer to that. Without doubt you could miss out on some big name bargains but I ask when have we ever needed a big name? Bargain or not. Arsenal has and will always be a club that creates the big names in football, from the retired but renowned Freddie Ljungberg and David Seaman to players who still play first team football in the premier league such as Ashley Cole or the newly (and briefly) returning Thierry Henry, no need to mention the likes of Robin Van Persie, Samir Nasri or Cesc Fabregas, or is there? None of these were big names when they came to our club but so many people seem to forget this! The point I’m trying to make is just that rather than scrutinise a man so well respected for what a great job he has done with our club, we should believe in his knowledge, respect the decisions he makes and go back to one of our favourite sayings as a club….. IN ARSENE WE TRUST.

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